Some tunes to listen to!

Sunday, 24 August 2008


Hi there.
Why is it, on the most boring day of the week, there's never anything to do? You'd think that tv guys would earn far more entertaining miserable kids and stressed parents on Sunday than any other day! Don't know about any of you, but I'd wrestle bears to be able to find something other than re-runs of 1970's shows or boring sports! It is my belief that tv is kept boring on Sundays to force us all out of our houses and into shops!
Anyways, I don't watch much tv anyway...and my mum says (and I agree), only boring people get bored. So far today I have made a couple of greetings cards, paid a visit to a craft store, washed up, tidied up, made lunch etc. But this afternoon, my boys and I are going to race each other in Mario Kart - they will, of course, beat me. But that is only because I am far too busy doing Guitar Hero to practice Mario!
Am currently counting down the days until I have to return to work - the summer holidays have flown by, despite the manky weather. Am I right in thinking that we keep being told global warming is going to kill us all as the temperatures rise and stuff? I reckon we're more likely to drown from the increased rainfall first - it was colder this morning here than it was in January, according to the greenhouse thermometer at 6.36am!
Well, having never blogged before, that's it for now - Things to do, kids to race!

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