Some tunes to listen to!

Sunday, 31 August 2008

Oh boy - look outside!!!

OMG - it's awful out there! We have a thunderstorm right overhead at the moment, complete with BIG lightning strikes and bangy, bangy thunder! It's raining lots too, which is good, cos I won't have to water the garden later! The boys (hubby and sons) are all at the windows watching the sky.
I love storms, they make everything after them seem fresher - kind of like a good argument!
Don't have many plans for today, except want to play with a couple of craft ideas I had last night, so I'll drop by and update you on how I get on later!

Saturday, 30 August 2008

I wonder why?...

I was driving back from Kingston yesterday, thinking about life's funny little sayings... So, Ive some questions based on this!
Why do they call it 'rush hour' when you can't get any faster than 5mph?
How come pubs don't have 'unhappy hour' near closing when the drink's made everyone miserable?
Why do they put badges on birthday cards for one and two year olds, then print 'Not suitable for under-threes due to small parts' on them?
Why isn't there a tv channel that shows un-censored music videos - I'm thinking specifically rock/metal here - those silent bits really annoy me!?
Why are OAP's that can't see above the steering wheel allowed to drive...and how come they always have better cars than me?!
Why do people insist on speeding up to about one foot off my rear bumper and then stay there even when the road is clear to overtake?
Why do men watch me parking? Is it to check I can? Or are they waiting for me to bump into something so they can laugh?
On the subject of men - how come when they have a day off, we women still have to do things like cook, clean, make drinks and wash up?! When do we get our day off?
And they never take subtle hints...
Why is it that bills are never late?...
...But you never get paid early!?
Why is there so much pressure on women to alter every part of their body? - the back of womens mags, even those 'enlightened' ones that preach 'Be thou what you are' are still stuffed full of ads for miracle lotions and potions, exercise dvd's and equipment and surgery home and away!
Why is Boxing Day called boxing day?
And finally, why do 'straight talkers' insist that they always 'call a spade a spade'? There's only one thing called a spade anyway! There's shovels, trowels, post-holers etc, but if I'm looking for a spade, I know what it is. They should use a word with multiple slang variations but one true meaning.

Friday, 29 August 2008


Now that I've scared you all (haha), here we go! I'm not going to write much today, cos I've a heap of stuff to do.
I received a beautiful gift from one of the fab ladies on the CB forum today, a lovely stack of papers and peel-offs, some border papers, a handful of card blanks, a couple of CD-Roms and some stunning paper and fabric flowers. Her name is martine mcknight, and you can find her very own blog here: Pop along and have a look!
I'm having a busy day today. Have been across to my lovely neighbours this morning, they're on holiday so I've been watering their garden. I decided to do an hours dead-heading while I was there so Al and Brenda can put their feet up when they get home - Al's one of those guys, if he sees something that needs doing, he'll do it! I also made them a welcome home card, they're on a canal boat. The card is here: I really hope they'll like it!
I heard yesterday that one of the cards I've posted on the CB forum will be featured in the Readers Gallery of Let's Make Cards - I am so excited! It's nice to know that other people like what I can do - and the story behind the card is good too. I made it for Emily Davies, one of the magazines staff who helped me out brilliantly with a problem I had with some of the free stuff you get with the mag - I had replacements within 24 hours!
I bit the bullet yesterday and posted some pics of my tattoos on the forum - thanks to everyone for their open and kind remarks! Have to admit, I wasn't really sure how well they'd go down! People have been very positive...
I'm going shopping later, have some work to do in my own garden I'll pootle off here!

Thursday, 28 August 2008

5 days and counting!

Well, only five days off left. i've been busily trying to think of all the things I have to do before returning to work. I still have to buy school uniforms for my boys, all the expensive stuff they have to have that's been printed and embroidered etc. But that's okay...
I am quite pleased with myself for yesterday though. I managed to find time to complete a card for one of the CB swaps, and have the bare bones of others ready to do today. I really enjoy these, because they give me a challenge, working in styles I'm not used to. I'm hopefully going to finish the rest of them later today for the September swaps. I've never made tags, atc's or bookmarks before...will be fun!
I thought I'd explain a bit about my screen-name today. It also explains how I got to meet Disturbed, and more specifically their lovely singer David Draiman.
I started making teddy bears when I was twenty, fully jointed mohair bears like Steiff make. I quickly got bored of following patterns though, so I began to design my own. In my late twenties, after I started listening to rock/metal and going to gigs, I came up with the idea of making bears to imitate musicians. As I had tickets to go and see Disturbed and had recently had a portrait tattoo of their singer I decided to make a David Draiman bear first. When choosing the material I looked through my fabrics and decided none of them were metal enough. So I looked in my local car boot sale and found a black suede waistcoat for 50p! Bargain. It was very hard to sew suede, as I sew all my bears completely by hand, but I managed. So I made an eight inch black bear, then the funny bits began! As anybody who knows David could tell you, he has a fantastic and very individual double labret (lip) piercing, in which he wears two spikes which hang down over his chin - like a metal goatee. It was hard to emulate this, but I managed to do it with some heavy gauge aluminium wire which I filed to points and put through the bears chin! I thought it looked great, and couldn't wait to try and get it to David.
The bear and I went to the gig. Hubby went before me to get us a place in the queue as I was working on the day, and while there he got chatting to a girl who had won a meet 'n' greet with the band, so she was given the bear, and she went and gave it to david. She reported back that he had laughed his ass off, then said 'Shame I couldn't meet the Metal Ted Girl'!
So there's my name, right there! A few years later on a return gig, we were once again queueing when one of the tour managers started walking up and down the lines with his digital camera and video recorder asking if anyone had anything to show the band. My hubby yelled himover to us and I showed off my tattoo. He asked if David had seen it - I said not. Then he said he was going to go show him it right there. So I told him about the bear and asked him to tell David I was the one who had made it. He gave me a pen and asked me to write a note, so I did. He disappeared and five minutes later came back to me and said, 'David sent you this.' I looked at his hands expecting to see an autograph or such, but he gave me a backstage pass! And that's how I got to meet one of my favourite musicians.
I have many other stories to tell on this - I have previously met Nine Inch Nails, Godhead, Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster, Amen, Wheatus, Billy Talent and The Darkness among others. But they will have to wait for another day, cos I've got crafting and shopping to do! TTFN!

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Wednesday - One week to go!

Time to take stock of the summer (?!) holidays and what I have achieved so far, as only a week to go before work starts again! Well, we went to Anglesey for the first week, and had (despite the weather) a fantastic time. It's truly a beautiful place and I would highly recommend going to anyone who hasn't been there. The kids loved it too.
At the beginning of August I received confirmation that I passed my first year of Open University. I was thrilled, and relieved that the hard work was worth it! I have gained a Certificate in Humanities, and apparently can now use the letters Cert.Hum (Open) after my name, which made me laugh. A lot! And I'm looking forward to next years course, I'm doing Creative Writing, it'll be good fun!
I finally got broadband which has meant I can start using my computer the way it was meant to be used. I'm thrilled to have found the forum at - the guys on there are so friendly and make crafting so much more fun. They have welcomed me so nicely, and a big shout out to all of them for their kindness and support - it's like having suddenly gained a lot of new sisters! You should check them out...the challenges in particular are fantastic for stretching your crafty brain! I have also made contact with a favourite past teacher through friendsreunited, which was cool!
I AM GOING TO SEE DISTURBED IN OCTOBER! I am dead excited about that, they are one of my favourite ever bands, don't get anything like the publicity they deserve. I have met the band previously, and they are really sweet. Plus, I haven't been to a gig for over a year, so it will be awesome to get back out there and remember who I am.
Craft-wise, I have made some of my very favourite cards this summer. I have started making Christmas cards to sell, my best ones are monochrome and pink. I'm loving them. I also found some brilliant little ragdolls that are just the right size for cards, so have been playing with those, and for the first time I have tried heat-embossing with some lovely results (I think!) on an autumn themed card for one of the CB forum challenges. Other challenges I have entered have had such diverse themes - bunnies, oriental, 70's/80's/90's, wedding anniversary - and I have put my own challenge forward for a tattoo-themed card or other craft item - if anybody fancies joining in, better go join the forum!
I have also managed to volunteer to work as a runner at the London Tattoo Convention, which I am really thrilled about - it's been a couple of years since I was in the loop, and I'm so looking forward to the sound of the machines and the smell of ink and antiseptic again! Would love to have the chance to get some work done, but I don't think I'll have the time. Should be good for shopping opportunities though, if you're a fan of tattoos and piercings, you really should go along. It's 26/27/28th September, google it for the address!
Well, housework waits for me so I'm off. TTFN

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Tuesday - bluesday?

Hey, I'm feeling kind of down today... Lots of random arguments with hubby have left me feeling proper miserable and very drained. The house is a bombsite and I have no chance of persuading the troops to give a hand, they're too busy playing DS's and Gameboys...
Why is it that when a mother has a holiday from work, they don't actually get any time off? On our summer (hahaha) holiday this year, hubby got cup of tea in bed every morning, didn't cook a single meal, didn't make a drink, did no washing up and only pitched in with the cleaning on the day we headed for home. Since we got home he has washed up once. Okay, so I have six weeks off, but he doesn't do much! I'm knackered.
I have 8 days remaining before the start of Autumn term, and I am nervous about returning to work. It's not easy working in an environment where you get punched and kicked and bitten, sworn at every few minutes. The boys always find it really hard to settle back into the routine after the holidays and the Sept-Dec term is one of the longest and darkest! I had a very bad time with one of the students between March and July, and I'm sure that it won't have disappeared through the holidays.
This is probably very depressing stuff to put in a blog, but I don't really think many people will read it, and I'm finding this quite therapeutic...
Some of my wishes for the following twelve months have to be:
Build up a network of people who do jobs like mine, for support and understanding - half the stuff that happens in my job I couldn't share with my husband, he'd freak out!
Ace my years university course...
Get out to more gigs - I haven't been to one for over a year and my brain is suffering.
Create more - I want more time to draw, paint, design and craft.
Persuade the husband that the housework is more important than the gardening, and that if he helped me indoors, I could help him outdoors...!

I guess I'll call that quits for now, hopefully I'll be in a better frame of mind when I return. TTFN!

Sunday, 24 August 2008


Hi there.
Why is it, on the most boring day of the week, there's never anything to do? You'd think that tv guys would earn far more entertaining miserable kids and stressed parents on Sunday than any other day! Don't know about any of you, but I'd wrestle bears to be able to find something other than re-runs of 1970's shows or boring sports! It is my belief that tv is kept boring on Sundays to force us all out of our houses and into shops!
Anyways, I don't watch much tv anyway...and my mum says (and I agree), only boring people get bored. So far today I have made a couple of greetings cards, paid a visit to a craft store, washed up, tidied up, made lunch etc. But this afternoon, my boys and I are going to race each other in Mario Kart - they will, of course, beat me. But that is only because I am far too busy doing Guitar Hero to practice Mario!
Am currently counting down the days until I have to return to work - the summer holidays have flown by, despite the manky weather. Am I right in thinking that we keep being told global warming is going to kill us all as the temperatures rise and stuff? I reckon we're more likely to drown from the increased rainfall first - it was colder this morning here than it was in January, according to the greenhouse thermometer at 6.36am!
Well, having never blogged before, that's it for now - Things to do, kids to race!