Hey - I've not been around much lately! It's been a hell of a week, I've had an awful time at work, there's been so much going on! My son has gone on a school trip to the Isle of Wight, and it's very strange at home without him, almost surreal. But work has been so - grrrrr - I have been really tired. My tutor group are really misbehaving this week, they've missed a total of about 35 lessons between them! I'm not going to moan about work though. I'm going for the good bits! I went to a fab craft fair on Sunday at Sandown, and I bought lots of lovely stuff - I'm off now to play with some beads I got!
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Thursday, 18 September 2008
A quiet week...
Hey guys. So, I've just started a new year of Open University, and this course is on creative writing. I have introduced to an amazing concept called free-writing, where you just write about whatever comes into your head for twenty odd minutes - some really strange stuff comes out...I found myself almost crying yesterday! I have mostly been at home this week, due to a dodgy chicken fried rice on Monday, within half an hour my tummy started hurting and two hours later I am doubled up on the sofa in true gut-wrenching agony! I have not been able to keep any food down since then, but may have turned a corner today as have managed three slices of toast (one for each meal). Even so, I feel pretty weak and very tired.
Not to dwell on bad stuff though, it's my baby's birthday tomorrow, he'll be eight! Which means it's exactly eight years ago that my bigger baby had chicken pox... I have made cards for him today, they can be found on here: http://www.crafts-beautiful.com/site/index.php/forums/viewthread/9327/ . I think he'll like them, but it was strange how hard it is to make a card for a boy his age! He's into really obscure things, but Pokemon is something he loves, and he plays computer games a lot. His brother is going away for a week with school next week, it's going to be very strange without him. They fight like, well, like two things that fight a lot - japanese fighting fish maybe? But when they're separated, they miss each other terribly, and the youngest one will be very miserable. We'll try and make sure he has a good week though.
I have a few more bits I want to get done this evening, I have to try and make a little something for a halloween challenge on the forum, and still tacking the bears!
Not to dwell on bad stuff though, it's my baby's birthday tomorrow, he'll be eight! Which means it's exactly eight years ago that my bigger baby had chicken pox... I have made cards for him today, they can be found on here: http://www.crafts-beautiful.com/site/index.php/forums/viewthread/9327/ . I think he'll like them, but it was strange how hard it is to make a card for a boy his age! He's into really obscure things, but Pokemon is something he loves, and he plays computer games a lot. His brother is going away for a week with school next week, it's going to be very strange without him. They fight like, well, like two things that fight a lot - japanese fighting fish maybe? But when they're separated, they miss each other terribly, and the youngest one will be very miserable. We'll try and make sure he has a good week though.
I have a few more bits I want to get done this evening, I have to try and make a little something for a halloween challenge on the forum, and still tacking the bears!
Saturday, 13 September 2008
the bears are coming....
Only a quick post to say that the bears are coming along nicely - I have seven bears cut out, they're gonna be five and a half inches or so, three mauve, three cream, and a hybrid of the two - so two limited editions of three and a one-off on the way. Four of them are tacked ready for final sewing, I'm hoping to post pictures of them next weekend!
limited edition,
small and cute,
teddy bears
Friday, 12 September 2008
Hello everyone! I've had an awful week at work, so am hoping for some downtime this weekend! Oooooooooh boy, am I glad to be out of the madhouse....
First full week of school = first injuries of the term. I got hit in the ankle by a stool thrown by one of my students at another - nasty bruising and a sore tendon. Crushed in doorway whilst trying to prevent two students from barging into classroom (obviously up to no good!) - large and painful bruise to right forearm. Student trashing classroom throwing stools around - slight bruising to other ankle. Wet tea-towel flicked by 'idiot-boy' - raised red welt on back of thigh. Breaking up fight in maths room - narrowly missed getting hit straight in the head by a flying chair, I am told it was less than an inch off me. Total number of fights broken up - six. Total number of students throwing things at me - 9. Total number of times I have been sworn at/called foul and abusive names - couldn't count, too high.
So, all in all, life at school has returned to it's fantastic normal. And yes, you probably did detect a hint of sarcasm there...
First full week of school = first injuries of the term. I got hit in the ankle by a stool thrown by one of my students at another - nasty bruising and a sore tendon. Crushed in doorway whilst trying to prevent two students from barging into classroom (obviously up to no good!) - large and painful bruise to right forearm. Student trashing classroom throwing stools around - slight bruising to other ankle. Wet tea-towel flicked by 'idiot-boy' - raised red welt on back of thigh. Breaking up fight in maths room - narrowly missed getting hit straight in the head by a flying chair, I am told it was less than an inch off me. Total number of fights broken up - six. Total number of students throwing things at me - 9. Total number of times I have been sworn at/called foul and abusive names - couldn't count, too high.
So, all in all, life at school has returned to it's fantastic normal. And yes, you probably did detect a hint of sarcasm there...
Saturday, 6 September 2008
My First Jewelery!

Helloooooo! I'm very proud of myself today, as I have completed my first ever jewellery set! Using the free kit from Let's Get Crafting 7, plus a few added extras from my own stash, I have created this really sweet little bracelet and earrings! I had a lot of fun doing this, which is good as work has been horrible this week, and I'm just so glad to have achieved something new!
I have also managed to get lots of pointless running around done today - trip to post office, more crafting (not pointless) and now I'm off to have a quick tidy up and then the rest of my newest bear creations to cut out ready for tacking! I'm loving the colours of the mohair, they'll be very pretty little bruins! But, for now, I am saying cheerio, as my children are requesting lunch. Although 'requesting' might suggest that they are being far more polite than they actually are. In fact, 'demanding with menaces' may be more appropriate!
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Back to reality!

Hey all,
been a busy couple of days doing 'getting back to school' for the kids and myself! I went back to work today, but no kids until tomorrow, which I am not looking forward to - i've quite a difficult student moving into my group, and a very hard one already there! But i'm sure I'll cope!
Have found a cute picture of one of my bears, a sweet little 5 inch panda. Hope you like it!
Am looking forward to Friday, when I have an unscheduled day off work, hurray - a day off to craft in! Also looking forward to the arrival of some lovely mohair for a small run of Christmas teds, similar size to Sweet Bamboo, I may sell a few on e-bay...
Anyways, not enough has happened for me to talk about really, and I'm tired after all this rambling...
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